Friday, March 27, 2020

What is a Tutoring Club?

What is a Tutoring Club?If you would like to develop an effective tutoring program, it is a great idea to enroll yourself in a tutoring club. Often times, tutors are referred to as members of a tutoring group, or a group of tutors working together. However, this could be a bit misleading.I've always thought of the tutoring club as being a tool used to teach in. However, members who participate in a tutoring club could very well want to play a role in the tutoring process, and even ask for supervision from other tutors. There's nothing wrong with this, and there are many benefits to having a tutoring club.However, with that said, there are some disadvantages associated with a tutoring club. I'll share them here:- Tutoring clubs can sometimes be pretty difficult to start up. The individual members of the tutoring club will want to create their own timeline to learn, so they are free to move around when needed. This means that scheduling will need to be dealt with, and if you're only do ing one or two sessions per week, you will have less than desirable results from your tutoring group.- A tutoring club can be difficult to sustain. To keep people interested in their lessons, the tutors will need to create a schedule that keeps everyone involved, and keeps the group moving forward.- With a tutoring club, it can be difficult to figure out which tutors should be part of the group. You may only have one or two tutors, and they are the only ones you can take your classes with, so you have to make sure that you find someone you're comfortable with.A tutoring club can be beneficial for several reasons. However, there are some drawbacks to starting and maintaining one.

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